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​​​ Freedom of Information

A set of provisions and procedures that regulate the exercise of the right to access public (unprotected) information produced by public entities, regardless of its source, form, or nature, in order to enhance the principles of transparency and integrity.

Basic Principles of Freedom of Information:

  1. First Principle: Transparency
    The right to know information related to the activities of public entities to enhance the principle of transparency.
  2. Second Principle: Necessity and Proportionality
    Any restrictions on obtaining or requesting access to protected information shall be justified clearly and explicitly.
  3. Third Principle: Equality
    All requests by individuals to access or obtain public information shall be dealt with on an equal and non-discriminatory basis.
  4. Fourth Principle: Public information is open by default
    Everyone has the right to access public information that is not classified as confidential or restricted without the need for a specific justification.

Mechanism for Monitoring Compliance with Freedom of Information

The commitment of entities included by the application of controls and specifications of national data management, governance, and personal data protection, including Freedom of Information, is monitored through the National Data Index (NDI).

Standards of Freedom of Information Measurement

Has the entity defined and established a plan to address Freedom of Information (FOI) compliance arrangements?


Has the entity defined and implemented the required Freedom of Information (FOI) processes?

Freedom of Information

First Standard

Example: (Planning):

Has the entity defined and established a plan to address Freedom of Information (FOI) compliance arrangements?

Maturity Levels Absence of Capabilities Establishing Defined Activated Managed Pioneer
Description of Maturity LevelsThe entity does not have a plan in place to address the Freedom of Information regulations.The entity has existing informal practices for dealing with compliance with Freedom of Information regulations, but lacks formalized procedures. The entity has a defined and approved plan for managing Freedom of Information. The roadmap for the implementation of the Freedom of Information Plan was also defined and adopted. The entity implements the pre-prepared plan for managing Freedom of Information requests. The entity has also launched awareness campaigns to promote a culture of transparency and to raise awareness about the Freedom of Information regulations issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO). The entity monitors the effectiveness of the Freedom of Information Plan using predefined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The entity also conducts periodic audits and reviews to ensure compliance with the Freedom of Information regulations issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO). The Entity's Freedom of Information plans and practices are continuously reviewed and improved.
Supporting EvidenceNo documentation is required. Current Freedom of Information practices (FOI. M.1). The defined and adopted Freedom of Information implementation plan and roadmap (FOI. C.1.1). All acceptance requirements from level 2, in addition to:
  • Report on the status of implementation of the Freedom of Information Plan. (FOI. M.2).
  • Data Access Officer (FOI.M.3.)
  • Freedom of Information Awareness: (FOI.C.2.1)
All acceptance requirements from level 3, in addition to:
  • Monitoring report of the entity's plan and activities related to Freedom of Information, based on predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) (FOI. M.4).
  • Internal audit reports regarding the entity's compliance with Freedom of Information regulations (FOI. C.3.6).
All acceptance requirements from level 4, in addition to:
  • Report on the continuous improvement of the Freedom of Information Plan (FOI. M.5).

Criteria for accepting documents and evidence supporting the first standard (Planning):

Current Freedom of Information practices (FOI. M.1).

The entity must provide a report on current practices in the domain of Freedom of Information, ensuring that the report includes evidence of the implementation of these practices. ​

The defined and adopted Freedom of Information implementation plan and roadmap (FOI. C.1.1).

The entity must provide the approved executive plan and roadmap for the Freedom of Information, which at a minimum should include the following: ​

Roadmap detailing activities and interim objectives necessary to achieve full compliance with the policies and regulations of the Freedom of Information issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO). Activities shall include, at a minimum, the requirements necessary to meet the specifications of this domain.

Report on the status of implementation of the Freedom of Information plan. (FOI. M.2).

The entity shall provide a report clarifying the implementation status, which at a minimum should include the following: ​

  • Percentage of initiatives and projects achieved as outlined in the Executive Action Plan for Freedom of Information.
Assigned Data Availability Officer (FOI. M.3).

The entity must provide the information of the designated Data Availability Officer, including proof of their appointment. ​

Freedom of Information awareness: (FOI.C.2.1)

The entity shall provide a report demonstrating that it has conducted awareness campaigns in the domain of Freedom of Information aimed at instilling and promoting a culture of transparency, and raising awareness of the Freedom of Information Policy issued by the National Data Management Office and the right to access public information. Awareness campaigns should include, at a minimum: ​

  • Raise awareness among staff who process Freedom of Information requests to ensure they understand the key obligations and requirements of the policies issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO).
  • Raising awareness about the principles of Freedom of Information and how they apply to the rights of beneficiaries.
Monitoring report of the entity's plan and activities related to Freedom of Information, based on predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) (FOI. M.4).

The entity shall provide a monitoring report based on the predefined data of key performance indicators (KPIs) (indicator cards). The data for each indicator or card shall include, at a minimum, the following: ​

  • Indicator name/symbol.
  • Indicator owner.
  • Indicator coordinator.
  • Indicator description.
  • The strategic or operational objective to be measured (specifying the particular specification or process to which the indicator is related)
  • Indicator equation.
  • Unit of measurement (ratio, number, etc.).
  • Baseline (measurement value in the first measurement year).
  • Target value.
  • Periodicity of measurement (month/quarter/semi-year/yearly).
  • Data sources are used to calculate the index.
  • Data collection mechanism.
  • Indicator polarity (+/-) (Positive polarity: High indicator value is target. Negative polarity: low indicator value is target).
Internal audit reports regarding the entity's compliance with Freedom of Information regulations (FOI. C.3.6)

The entity must provide reports that include the following: ​

  • Conducting internal audits to monitor compliance with the Freedom of Information policies and regulations issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO).
  • Document the audit results in a report for the Open Data and Information Availability Officer (ODIAO).
  • Highlighting the applied corrective actions in cases of non-compliance, informing the regulator or the National Data Management Office (NDMO) as required, and documenting these improvements in the audit results report
Freedom of Information plan continuous improvement report (FOI. M.5).

The entity must provide a report demonstrating periodic reviews of the Freedom of Information plan to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and any environmental requirements or impacts. The report should include, at a minimum: ​

  • Documents related to the review of the Freedom of Information plan and the results of periodic evaluations.
  • Mechanisms for the continuous improvement of the Freedom of Information plan.

Second Standard

Example: (Operations):

Has the entity defined and implemented the required Freedom of Information (FOI) processes?

Maturity Levels Absence of Capabilities Establishing Defined Activated Managed Pioneer
Description of Maturity LevelsThe entity has no established Freedom of Information practices. The entity's response to freedom of information requests is reactive, occurring randomly or ad hoc. The entity has defined processes for managing Freedom of Information requests in compliance with national data governance regulations. The entity is also preparing a guide for the Freedom of Information process and a list of frequently asked questions. The entity implements predefined processes and practices to comply with its Freedom of Information regulations. The entity also publishes a comprehensive process guide and frequently asked questions on its official website. The entity monitors the performance of Freedom of Information operations using predefined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The entity continuously reviews and improves its Freedom of Information practices and processes. This includes automating the process of responding to Freedom of Information requests.
Supporting Evidence No documentation is required. Current Freedom of Information Requests and Responses processes (FOI.M.6) .
  • Documents of the developed and approved procedures and processes for handling Freedom of Information requests. (FOI.C.3.1).
  • Improved guide to Freedom of Information and frequently asked questions (FAQs) (FOI.M.7).
All acceptance requirements for level 2, in addition to:
  • Status report on the implementation and adoption of Freedom of Information request processes. (FOI.C.3.2)
  • Entity-wide contact guides (FOI. C.3.3).
  • Received requests record with responses. (FOI.C.3.4).
  • Specific public datasets are shared under Freedom of Information regulations. (FOI.M.8)
  • Evidence of published communication regarding Freedom of Information. (FOI.M.9)
  • Pricing mechanism for requests to access public information. (FOI.C.3.5)
  • Updated register for Freedom of Information. (FOI.C.4.1).
All acceptance requirements for level 3, in addition to:
  • Freedom of Information request response monitoring report with predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) (FOI.M.10).
All acceptance requirements for level 4, in addition to:
  • Report on the continuous improvement of Freedom of Information Operations (FOI. M.11).
  • Automated Freedom of Information request tool (FOI. M.12).

Criteria for accepting documents and evidence supporting the second standard (Operations):

Current Freedom of Information request and responses processes (FOI. M.6).

The entity must provide proof that it has successfully processed and responded to previous information requests. ​

Documents of the developed and approved procedures and processes for handling Freedom of Information requests. (FOI.C.3.1).

The entity must design and document a standardized process for handling information requests, and develop procedures for managing, processing, and documenting requests for public information in accordance with the Freedom of Information policies and regulations issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO). ​

The developed guide for the process of Freedom of Information and frequently asked questions (FAQs) (FOI.M.7).

The entity must provide the guide developed for the Freedom of Information process and answers to frequently asked questions. ​

The guide should indicate, at a minimum:

  • Application processing mechanism.
  • Mechanism for sending requests.
  • Mechanism for awaiting responses.
  • Response review mechanism.
  • Appeal mechanism (if necessary).

Common questions may also include:

  • FAQs about the Freedom of Information process, requirements, timelines, and other information related to information requests. Providing frequently asked questions (FAQs) can clarify common queries and provide useful information to individuals making Freedom of Information requests.
Freedom of Information Request Response Monitoring Report with Predefined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (FOI.M.10).

The entity must provide a report that monitors its response to Freedom of Information requests based on predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) (indicator cards). The data for each indicator or card must include, at a minimum: ​

  • Indicator name/symbol.
  • Indicator owner.
  • Indicator coordinator.
  • Indicator description.
  • The strategic or operational objective to be measured (specifying the particular specification or process to which the indicator is related)
  • Indicator equation.
  • Unit of measurement (ratio, number, etc.).
  • Baseline (measurement value in the first measurement year).
  • Target value.
  • Periodicity of measurement (month/quarter/semi-year/yearly).
  • Data sources are used to calculate the index.
  • Data collection mechanism.
  • Indicator polarity (+/-) (Positive polarity: High indicator value is target. Negative polarity: low indicator value is target).
Automated Freedom of Information Request Tool (FOI. M.12).

The entity must provide a report with a description (name, version, etc.) The tool(s) used to automate the process of responding to Freedom of Information requests. ​

A tool refers to a program or application designed to simplify and automate the process of handling Freedom of Information (FOI) requests from submission to completion. Such a tool can enhance efficiency, accuracy, and transparency in managing Freedom of Information requests by automating various tasks, reducing manual effort, and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Status report on the implementation and adoption of Freedom of Information request processes. (FOI.C.3.2)

The entity must provide a report detailing the status of the Freedom of Information requests process implementation, covering the following: ​

  • Approving requests to access public information.
  • Rejecting requests to access public information.
  • Extending the response time required for certain requests.
  • Notify the beneficiary(s) that the required information is available on the entity’s website or outside its jurisdiction.
Entity-wide communication guides (FOI. C.3.3).

The entity must provide proof of internal communications and public publications that comply with the Freedom of Information policies and regulations issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO), ensuring they do not conflict with the existing regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The entity is required to publish the following information on its official government website or associated websites: ​

  • Laws, regulations, instructions, and regulatory decisions implemented in the entity.
  • The services provided by the entity, along with detailed descriptions of how to access those services.
  • The organizational structure of the entity, including job roles and responsibilities.
  • Information on vacancies at the entity, excluding details about security or military positions as specified by the relevant authorities or in accordance with regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The entity’s annual strategic and operational reports, including its financial statements.
  • General statistics, news, and updates related to the entity's activities, including the following:
    • The total number of employees within the entity.
    • The year the entity was established.
    • Number of services provided by the entity in the previous year.
    • Updated descriptions of the entity's activities.
  • Projects submitted by the entity as required under the Freedom of Information Regulations, particularly those concerning risks that may affect people’s lives, health, or property. The information must include contact details for individuals authorized by the entity, at a minimum including the following:
    • Names of people.
    • Post addresses of individuals.
    • Individual's email addresses.
  • Information on projects submitted or sponsored by the entity, as required by Freedom of Information policies and regulations, regarding risks that may affect people's lives, health, and property. The information should include the following:
    • Recipient names.
    • Implementation period.
    • Technological analysis.
  • Guidelines and publications designed to raise awareness of people's rights to Freedom of Information within the entity.
  • If the above information is unavailable or invalid, the entity must provide justification and evidence in accordance with Freedom of Information policies and regulations.

Freedom of Information operations continuous improvement report (FOI. M.11).

The entity must provide updated documentation for operations, including any changes, with references to revised documents that outline the steps and procedures for specific operations or missions related to Freedom of Information, including: ​

  • Documentation of periodic reviews, updated operations, and resulting changes.
  • Mechanisms for the Continuous Improvement of Freedom of Information processes.
Received requests record with responses. (FOI.C.3.4).

The entity must provide the forms for requests to access public information, in electronic or paper format, and specify the information required from the applicant. The requested information should include, at a minimum: ​

  • Information about the applicant including name, address, and national ID.
  • A description of the general information required from the applicant.
  • The purpose of the request to access public information.
  • Legal basis for the request.
  • How the notice will be delivered to the applicant (e.g., email, national address).
  • Request date.
Specific public datasets shared under Freedom of Information regulations. (FOI.M.8)

The entity must provide proof that specific 'public' data sets have been published under the Freedom of Information regulations. ​

Responding to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests can sometimes result in the deployment of open datasets as part of Open Data Initiatives.

When an applicant submits a Freedom of Information request for specific information covered by Freedom of Information Laws, and the request is approved, the government entity may provide the requested information as a dataset. If the released dataset meets the criteria of being public, machine-readable, and reusable, it qualifies as open data.

Evidence of published communication regarding Freedom of Information. (FOI.M.9)

The entity must provide proof that it has published communication on Freedom of Information, including guidelines and frequently asked questions, on its official website, as required by the National Data Management Office (NDMO). ​

Pricing mechanism for requests to access public information. (FOI.C.3.5)

The entity must provide a pricing mechanism for requests to access public information. The entity must calculate and document processing fees for each approved public information access request, using a pricing scheme determined by the entity and approved by the National Data Management Office (NDMO). ​

Updated Register for Freedom of Information. (FOI.C.4.1).

The entity must provide an updated Freedom of Information Register, documenting compliance records in the form specified by the Freedom of Information Guidelines issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO). The register shall include, at a minimum: ​

  • Information about the current Open Data and Information Availability Officer (ODIAO).
  • Records of requests for access to public information.
  • Public entity publications.
  • Any other records, including the format and method required by the Freedom of Information policies and regulations issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO).

Summary of the controls and specifications of Freedom of Information

The domain of Freedom of Information comprises 4 controls and 9 specifications. The table below outlines these specifications and the required attachments to measure compliance across maturity levels

DimensionStrategy Implementation
Controls Planning Training & Awareness Data Lifecycle Management Registers
Specification Freedom of Information plan (FOI.1.1) Freedom of Information awareness (FOI.2.1) Freedom of Information Request Process Design (FOI.3.1) Freedom of Information Register (FOI.4.1)
Document (document symbol)The defined and adopted plan and roadmap for implementing the Freedom of Information. (FOI.C.1.1) Freedom of Information awareness (FOI.C.2.1) Documents of the procedures and processes developed and approved for Freedom of Information requests (FOI.C.3.1). Updated Register of Freedom of Information (FOI. C.4.1)
Implementation of the request for information procedure (FOI.3.2)
Freedom of Information request implementation/adoption status report (FOI. C.3.2)
Public entity publications (FOI.3.3)
Entity-wide communication guides (FOI. C.3.3)
Forms for requests to access information (FOI.3.4)
Record of received requests with their responses (FOI. C.3.4)
Specifying fees for information requests (FOI.3.5)
Pricing mechanism for requests to access public information. (FOI.C.3.5)
Compliance monitoring (FOI.3.6)
Internal audit reports regarding the entity's compliance with Freedom of Information regulations (FOI. C.3.6)

Content published regarding the Personal Data Protection Law and the Freedom of Information Policy

Personal Data Protection Law
1 PDF on Freedom of Information Policy SDAIA WebsiteAvailable to the General Public
2 National Data Governance Platform National Data Governance PlatformAvailable to the General Public
3 Regulations SDAIA WebsiteAvailable to the General Public

About Freedom of Information
Discover the principles of Freedom of Information on our website. Transparency, necessity, equality, and open access to public information are our core values!
freedom of information policy, freedom of information, freedom of information law, access information, freedom of information KSA