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Saudi Data & AI Authority (SDAIA)

​​​​The Saudi Academic Framework for AI Qualifications
Education Intelligence

The Saudi Academic Framework for AI Qualifications by the Saudi Data & AI Authority (SDAIA) is intended to be a guide for the development, evaluation, and accreditation of higher education programs in AI, serving as a reliable, primary reference recognized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Recognized scientific methodologies were considered in the preparation of the framework. Thus, an integrated methodology that combines the descriptive, historical, and predictive approaches was adopted. The framework is designed to be flexible and general to keep pace with the rapidly developing nature of the field, empowering educational and training institutions to foster development and creativity.

The framework focuses on the specifications of study plans for academic and training programs in the field of AI, as well as ensuring the quality of such programs. Also, it specifies the certificates granted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia based on global benchmarks and explains the general learning outcomes for the graduates of these programs.

Education Intelligence
Discover the Saudi academic framework for AI qualifications,designed to empower educational and training institutions to foster development and creativity!
higher education programs in AI, academic and training programs in the field of AI, Academic Framework for AI Qualifications, Saudi Academic Framework for AI Qualifications, education intelligence, educational intelligence, academic intelligence